Solarmark HK C.P.A. Company Limited

Solarmark (HK) C.P.A. Company Limited was formed in 2010. We provide comprehensive and quality audit, accounting, and management consultancy services to clients throughout the region. Solarmark (HK) C.P.A. Company Limited serves a dual role as support of Client’s China operations; and as frontline representation in pursuing international businesses for our client as a whole.

We offer enviably the most sought after services favored by large private companies and state enterprises. China’s rapid economic development and accession to the World Trade Organization has created unprecedented opportunities in the country’s financial market. There is a surging demand for dynamic financial services that meet the statutory requirements both within China and amongst our trading partners. While Chinese businesses move towards the centre stage in the international arena, we also witness foreign capitals eagerly seeking entry into the domestic market. In times like this, many businesses look to firms like us for directions and guidance. With discernment in international code and local practice, our Company is best positioned to offer services to clients entering this market, as well as Chinese companies branching overseas.

Type of professional services offered

  • Audit and assurance
  • Company secretarial
  • Risk & controls solutions
